Jérémie LOPEZ jlo
Wed Nov 3 16:42:20 PST 2004
What is the best perspective concerning several replications running on
shared machines?

Let's consider I have - for the same project - 2 PostgreSQL servers (on 2
distinct machines): I want the server 1 to be the master for database A and
the slave for database B, and the server 2 to be the master for database B
and the slave for database A.

What does follow the "slony way" the most between :
- defining two clusters (one for each database to replicate) with 2 nodes
- defining a unique clusters with 4 nodes (and making the correct

I first would have separated in different clusters the groups of nodes which
have no interactions, but maybe letting slony knows of all the replication
of the project can or could be useful/simpler?

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