Justin Clift jc
Wed Nov 3 01:22:18 PST 2004
Hi all,

Using Slony 1.0.5 for a very simple 2 node master->slave arrangement in
this setup that replicates two tables from the first node to the second.

Now I'm experimenting with creating a second set, having two different
tables be replicated from the second node back to the first.

I *think* these commands to Slonik should do the trick, but they're
generating an error at the end telling me the set isn't found:


slonik <<_EOF_

	# Namespace to use
	cluster name = my_test;

	# Connection strings
	node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=foo host=hosta user=postgres';
	node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=hostb user=postgres';

	create set (id = 2, origin = 2, comment = 'return tables');

	set add table (set id=2, origin=2, id=1, fully qualified name =
'public.third', comment='third table');
	set add table (set id=2, origin=2, id=2, fully qualified name =
'public.fourth', comment='fourth table');

	subscribe set ( id = 2, provider = 2, receiver = 1, forward = no);



This seems all straightforward, however the "subscribe set" command is
generating this error:


ERROR:  Slony-I: set 2 not found
<stdin>:15: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select "_my_test".subscribeSet(2, 2, 1,
'f');  - ERROR:  Slony-I: set 2 not found


How can the subscribe not be finding set two?  It found the set for the
"set add table" command.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

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