James Black jfb
Wed Dec 15 23:56:12 PST 2004
Hello, all,

I'm back again.  Thanks for the help with table ordering and set 
merging.  Now, I'm stumped by having slony replicate sequences.  Two 

1. Is the sequence id space the same as the table id space?  Could I 
have a sequence id #1 coexist with a table id #1?
2. Is it necessary to explicitly replicate sequences that are created 
by defining SERIAL primary keys?

I ask because my first, naive attempt at adding our sequences has the 
slon daemon failing to sync, with the following error:

ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_1: "select 
"_tii".sequenceSetValue(0,1,'200','1000000000000000'); " 
PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  setval: value 1000000000000000 is out of 
bounds for sequence "m_report_links_seq" (1..2147483647)

Is there something obvious I'm missing?


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about we must pass over in silence.

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