Paul Slootman paul
Tue Dec 14 12:59:55 PST 2004
I'm experimenting a bit with slony, to get a "feel" for it.
I have a basic replication between two hosts working fine (I first
forgot about the sequences, which is pretty obvious once you do a
move set and try to insert data :-).

I just did a drop table of one table (it's not needed anymore by the
application which uses the database), and then realised that perhaps I
should have done a "set drop table" first. That doesn't work now, it
says: "Slony-I: Table with id 1 not found".

- Is there a way around this?
- Would it be bad if I just left it as it was?
- Is there a way to list what tables have what IDs? I happened to know
  that this table was added with ID 1, but I wonder how to find it out
  if you don't know this...

Paul Slootman

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