Christopher Browne cbbrowne
Tue Aug 10 15:58:00 PDT 2004
tohny at writes:
> I have a problem with Slony1. When i add new data in tables,
> the replication works good but when i add a new table to the
> master database, this table is not replicated on the slave database.
> Is slony-1 deals with table replication ?

You cannot add a table to a set that is already being subscribed to.

As per the sources to
  setAddTable ()

        if exists (select true from schemadoc.sl_subscribe
			where sub_set = p_set_id)
		raise exception 'Slony-I: cannot add table to currently subscribed set %',
	end if;

In order to add some new tables to replication, what you need to do is
to create _another_ replication set, let's say, set id = 2, add the
new tables to that replication set, and have the desired subscribers
subscribe to this new set.

Once they are all subscribed, you can request a MERGE SET event
(whether via slonik or via the function call mergeSet(int,int)) to
merge the new set into the old one.

Per the documentation...
Function: mergeset( integer, integer )
Returns: bigint
Language: PLPGSQL

Generate MERGE_SET event to request that sets be merged together. Both
sets must exist, and originate on the same node. They must be
subscribed by the same set of nodes.
Christopher Browne
(416) 673-4124 (land)

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