Chris Browne cbbrowne at
Tue Jun 9 14:38:29 PDT 2009
Update of /home/cvsd/slony1/slony1-engine/tools
In directory

Added Files:
      Tag: REL_2_0_STABLE 
Log Message:
Add in a slonik configuration dump tool, that will be helpful when doing
upgrades from 1.2 to 2.0, along with documentation.

--- NEW FILE: ---
# $Id:,v 2009-06-09 21:38:27 cbbrowne Exp $
# This tool rummages through a Slony-I cluster, generating a slonik script
# suitable to recreate the cluster

# Start with:
# SLONYCLUSTER indicating the cluster name
echo "# building slonik config files for cluster ${SLONYCLUSTER}"
echo "# generated by:"
echo "# Generated on: " `date`
echo "cluster name=${SLONYCLUSTER};"

echo "include <admin-conninfos.slonik>;  # Draw in ADMIN CONNINFO lines"
Q="select distinct pa_server from ${SS}.sl_path order by pa_server;"
PATHS=`psql -qtA -F ":" -c "${Q}"`
for svr in `echo ${PATHS}`; do
    SQ="select pa_conninfo from ${SS}.sl_path where pa_server=${svr} order by pa_client asc limit 1;"
    conninfo=`psql -qtA -F ":" -c "${SQ}"`
    echo "node ${svr} admin conninfo='${conninfo}';"

Q="select no_id, no_comment from ${SS}.sl_node order by no_id limit 1;"

NODE1=`psql -qtA -F ":" -c "${Q}"`
nn=`echo ${NODE1} | cut -d : -f 1`
comment=`echo ${NODE1} | cut -d : -f 2-`
echo "init cluster (id=${nn}, comment='${comment}');"

Q="select no_id from ${SS}.sl_node order by no_id offset 1;"
NODES=`psql -qtA -F ":" -c "${Q}"`
for node in `echo ${NODES}`; do
    CQ="select no_comment from ${SS}.sl_node where no_id = ${node};"
    comment=`psql -qtA -c "${CQ}"`
    echo "store node (id=${node}, comment='${comment}');"

#slonyregress1=# select * from sl_path;
# pa_server | pa_client |                       pa_conninfo                        | pa_connretry
#         2 |         1 | dbname=slonyregress2 host=localhost user=chris port=7083 |           10
#         1 |         2 | dbname=slonyregress1 host=localhost user=chris port=7083 |           10
#(2 rows)

Q="select pa_server, pa_client, pa_connretry from ${SS}.sl_path order by pa_server, pa_client;"
PATHS=`psql -qtA -F ":" -R " " -c "${Q}"`
for sc in `echo $PATHS`; do
    server=`echo $sc | cut -d : -f 1`
    client=`echo $sc | cut -d : -f 2`
    retry=`echo $sc | cut -d : -f 3`
    Q2="select pa_conninfo from ${SS}.sl_path where pa_server=${server} and pa_client=${client};"
    conninfo=`psql -qtA -c "${Q2}"`
    echo "store path (server=${server}, client=${client}, conninfo='${conninfo}', connretry=${retry});"

Q="select set_id, set_origin from ${SS}.sl_set order by set_id;"
SETS=`psql -qtA -F ":" -R " " -c "${Q}"`
for sc in `echo ${SETS}`; do
    set=`echo ${sc} | cut -d : -f 1`
    origin=`echo ${sc} | cut -d : -f 2`
    Q2="select set_comment from ${SS}.sl_set where set_id=${set};"
    comment=`psql -qtA -c "${Q2}"`
    echo "create set (id=${set}, origin=${origin}, comment='${comment}');"

Q="select tab_id,tab_set, set_origin from ${SS}.sl_table, ${SS}.sl_set where tab_set = set_id order by tab_id;"
TABS=`psql -qtA -F ":" -R " " -c "${Q}"`
for tb in `echo ${TABS}`; do
    tab=`echo ${tb} | cut -d : -f 1`
    set=`echo ${tb} | cut -d : -f 2`
    origin=`echo ${tb} | cut -d : -f 3`
    RQ="select tab_relname from ${SS}.sl_table where tab_id = ${tab};"
    relname=`psql -qtA -c "${RQ}"`
    NSQ="select tab_nspname from ${SS}.sl_table where tab_id = ${tab};"
    nsp=`psql -qtA -c "${NSQ}"`
    IDX="select tab_idxname from ${SS}.sl_table where tab_id = ${tab};"
    idx=`psql -qtA -c "${IDX}"`
    COM="select tab_comment from ${SS}.sl_table where tab_id = ${tab};"
    comment=`psql -qtA -c "${COM}"`
    echo "set add table (id=${tab}, set id=${set}, origin=${origin}, fully qualified name='\"${nsp}\".\"${relname}\"', comment='${comment}, key='${idx}');"

Q="select seq_id,seq_set,set_origin from ${SS}.sl_sequence, ${SS}.sl_set where seq_set = set_id order by seq_id;"
SEQS=`psql -qtA -F ":" -R " " -c "${Q}"`
for sq in `echo ${SEQS}`; do
    seq=`echo ${sq} | cut -d : -f 1`
    set=`echo ${sq} | cut -d : -f 2`
    origin=`echo ${sq} | cut -d : -f 3`
    RQ="select seq_relname from ${SS}.sl_sequence where seq_id = ${seq};"
    relname=`psql -qtA -c "${RQ}"`
    NSQ="select seq_nspname from ${SS}.sl_sequence where seq_id = ${seq};"
    nsp=`psql -qtA -c "${NSQ}"`
    COM="select seq_comment from ${SS}.sl_sequence where seq_id = ${seq};"
    comment=`psql -qtA -c "${COM}"`
    echo "set add sequence(id=${seq}, set id=${set}, origin=${origin}, fully qualified name='\"${nsp}\".\"${relname}\"', comment='${comment}');"

Q="select sub_set,sub_provider,sub_receiver,case when sub_forward then 'YES' else 'NO' end from ${SS}.sl_subscribe;"
SUBS=`psql -qtA -F ":" -R " " -c "${Q}"`
for sb in `echo ${SUBS}`; do
    set=`echo ${sb} | cut -d : -f 1`
    prov=`echo ${sb} | cut -d : -f 2`
    recv=`echo ${sb} | cut -d : -f 3`
    forw=`echo ${sb} | cut -d : -f 4`
    echo "subscribe set (id=${set}, provider=${prov}, receiver=${recv}, forward=${forw});"

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