CVS User Account cvsuser
Wed Oct 4 14:16:10 PDT 2006
Log Message:
Someone griped that the FAQ entry about "transactions earlier than XID
127314958 are still in progress" not clearly enough describing the
scenario where you simply have long running transactions.

Split it into two questions.

Modified Files:
        faq.sgml (r1.64 -> r1.65)

-------------- next part --------------
Index: faq.sgml
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/faq.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.64
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -Ldoc/adminguide/faq.sgml -Ldoc/adminguide/faq.sgml -u -w -r1.64 -r1.65
--- doc/adminguide/faq.sgml
+++ doc/adminguide/faq.sgml
@@ -237,25 +237,12 @@
 DEBUG1 remoteWorkerThread_1: connected to provider DB
 WARN	remoteWorkerThread_1: transactions earlier than XID 127314958 are still in progress
 WARN	remoteWorkerThread_1: data copy for set 1 failed - sleep 60 seconds
-<para>Oops.  What I forgot to mention, as well, was that I was trying
-to add <emphasis>TWO</emphasis> subscribers, concurrently.</para></question>
-<answer><para> That doesn't work out: &slony1; won't work on the
-<command>COPY</command> commands concurrently.  See
-<filename>src/slon/remote_worker.c</filename>, function
-<para>This has the (perhaps unfortunate) implication that you cannot
-populate two slaves concurrently from a single provider.  You have to
-subscribe one to the set, and only once it has completed setting up
-the subscription (copying table contents and such) can the second
-subscriber start setting up the subscription.</para>
-<para>It could also be possible for there to be an old outstanding
+<answer> <para> There is evidently some reasonably old outstanding
 transaction blocking &slony1; from processing the sync.  You might
-want to take a look at pg_locks to see what's up:
+want to take a look at pg_locks to see what's up:</para>
 sampledb=# select * from pg_locks where transaction is not null order by transaction;
@@ -264,19 +251,17 @@
           |          |   127314921 | 2605100 | ExclusiveLock | t
           |          |   127326504 | 5660904 | ExclusiveLock | t
 (2 rows)
-<para>See?  127314921 is indeed older than 127314958, and it's still running.
-$ ps -aef | egrep '[2]605100'
-postgres 2605100  205018	0 18:53:43  pts/3  3:13 postgres: postgres sampledb localhost COPY 
+<para>See?  127314921 is indeed older than 127314958, and it's still
-<para>This happens to be a <command>COPY</command> transaction involved in setting up the
-subscription for one of the nodes.  All is well; the system is busy
-setting up the first subscriber; it won't start on the second one
-until the first one has completed subscribing.</para>
+<para> A long running G/L report, a runaway
+<application>RT3</application> query, a
+<application>pg_dump</application>, all will open up transactions that
+may run for substantial periods of time.  Until they complete, or are
+interrupted, you will continue to see the message <quote> data copy
+for set 1 failed - sleep 60 seconds </quote>.</para>
 <para>By the way, if there is more than one database on the &postgres;
 cluster, and activity is taking place on the OTHER database, that will
@@ -287,6 +272,34 @@
+<question><para>Same as the above.  What I forgot to mention, as well,
+was that I was trying to add <emphasis>TWO</emphasis> subscribers,
+<answer><para> That doesn't work out: &slony1; can't work on the
+<command>COPY</command> commands concurrently.  See
+<filename>src/slon/remote_worker.c</filename>, function
+$ ps -aef | egrep '[2]605100'
+postgres 2605100  205018	0 18:53:43  pts/3  3:13 postgres: postgres sampledb localhost COPY 
+<para>This happens to be a <command>COPY</command> transaction
+involved in setting up the subscription for one of the nodes.  All is
+well; the system is busy setting up the first subscriber; it won't
+start on the second one until the first one has completed subscribing.
+That represents one possible cause.</para>
+<para>This has the (perhaps unfortunate) implication that you cannot
+populate two slaves concurrently from a single provider.  You have to
+subscribe one to the set, and only once it has completed setting up
+the subscription (copying table contents and such) can the second
+subscriber start setting up the subscription.</para></answer>
 <qandaentry id="missingoids"> <question> <para> We got bitten by
 something we didn't foresee when completely uninstalling a slony
 replication cluster from the master and slave...</para>

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