CVS User Account cvsuser
Thu May 12 19:02:16 PDT 2005
Log Message:
Add in replication check script intended for use with Nagios

Added Files:
    slony1-engine/tools: (r1.1)

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null
+++ tools/
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+# $Id:,v 1.1 2005/05/12 18:02:12 cbbrowne Exp $
+# Documentation listed below.
+# Credits:
+# Original script by jgoddard (2005-02-14)
+# Modified by nadx (2005-05-11)
+# Packaged by tgoodair (2005-05-12)
+use strict;
+use Pg;
+use Getopt::Std;
+our ($opt_h, $opt_d, $opt_p, $opt_U) = '';
+my ($conn, $res, $status, @tuple);
+my $query = 'SELECT * FROM replication_status' ;
+my @rep_time;
+# Issue a warning when replication is behind by 20 minutes
+my $threshold_warning = 20;
+# Issue a critical alert when replication is behind by 40 minutes
+my $threshold_critical = 40;
+# Get the command line options
+if (not $opt_h or not $opt_d or not $opt_p or not $opt_U)
+	print("$0 -h <host> -d <db> -p <port> -U <username>\n");
+	exit(3);
+# .pgpass isn't read, so we're putting the password here
+my $password = "piTyThaF00!";
+# Connect to the database
+$conn = Pg::setdbLogin($opt_h, $opt_p, '', '', $opt_d, $opt_U, $password);
+$status = $conn->status;
+if ($status ne PGRES_CONNECTION_OK)
+	chomp(my $error = $conn->errorMessage);
+	print("$error\n");
+	exit(2);
+# Do the query
+$res = $conn->exec($query);
+$status = $res->resultStatus;
+if ($status ne PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
+	chomp(my $error = $conn->errorMessage);
+	print("$error\n");
+	exit(3);
+# Get the results
+# tuple[0]object
+# tuple[1]transaction date time
+# tuple[2]age in minutes old
+ at tuple = $res->fetchrow;
+# Debugging
+# Uncomment the below to swap the minute for seconds.  This is to simulate
+# crazy replication times for when replication is not falling behind.
+#$rep_time[1] = $rep_time[2]
+# Check for a warning
+if ($tuple[2] >= $threshold_warning and $tuple[2] < $threshold_critical)
+	print("WARNING: $tuple[0], Created $tuple[1], Behind $tuple[2] minutes\n");
+	exit(1);
+# Or for a critical
+elsif ($tuple[2] >= $threshold_critical)
+	print("CRITICAL: $tuple[0], Created $tuple[1], Behind $tuple[2] minutes\n");
+	exit(2);
+# Otherwise, everything is ok
+	printf("OK: $tuple[0], Created $tuple[1], Behind $tuple[2] minute%s\n",$tuple[2] == 1 ? "" : "s" );
+	exit(0);
+=head1 NAME
+Slony Postgres Replication Check
+=head1 VERSION
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This check connects directly to the database.  It is designed to check to see how far behind Slony replication is
+on the database servers based on the last transaction.  
+Sample view definition:
+CREATE VIEW replication_status AS
+SELECT customer_name AS object_name, 
+date_part('minutes'::text, now() - transaction_date) AS age
+FROM customer_orders
+Modify the view for your environment. The idea is that you pick a table which has frequent write transactions and contains some
+kind of time stamp. Then create a replication_status view on the table which returns some kind of identifier (like a customer name),
+the time of the last transaction and the age of the last transaction in minutes.
+For security reasons, you should create a nagios postgres user and only grant it select privileges on this view.
+Query is as follows:
+SELECT * FROM replication_status
+The results displayed:
+ object_name |        transaction_date        | age
+ "B.A." Baracus   | 2005-05-10 15:09:57+00 |   0
+The age column displays age of the last transaction in minutes.  We have tentatively set the warning threshold in Nagios to 20 minutes
+and the critical threshold to 40 minutes.  
+=head1 USAGE
+USAGE: -h <host> -d <db> -p <port> -U <username>
+ = script name
+-h = hostname of database server
+-d = databse
+-p = database port
+-U = username

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