CVS User Account cvsuser
Fri Feb 18 17:26:12 PST 2005
Log Message:
Added an example of "Event Surgery" to the FAQ.

Modified Files:
        faq.sgml (r1.20 -> r1.21)

-------------- next part --------------
Index: faq.sgml
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/slony1/slony1-engine/doc/adminguide/faq.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -Ldoc/adminguide/faq.sgml -Ldoc/adminguide/faq.sgml -u -w -r1.20 -r1.21
--- doc/adminguide/faq.sgml
+++ doc/adminguide/faq.sgml
@@ -1278,6 +1278,75 @@
 could also announce an admin to take a look...  </para> </answer>
+<question><para> Node #1 was dropped via <link linkend="stmtdropnode">
+<command>DROP NODE</command> </link>, and the <link linkend="slon">
+<application>slon</application> </link> one of the other nodes is
+repeatedly failing with the error message:
+ERROR  remoteWorkerThread_3: "begin transaction; set transaction isolation level
+ serializable; lock table "_mailermailer".sl_config_lock; select "_mailermailer"
+.storeListen_int(2, 1, 3); notify "_mailermailer_Event"; notify "_mailermailer_C
+onfirm"; insert into "_mailermailer".sl_event     (ev_origin, ev_seqno, ev_times
+tamp,      ev_minxid, ev_maxxid, ev_xip, ev_type , ev_data1, ev_data2, ev_data3
+   ) values ('3', '2215', '2005-02-18 10:30:42.529048', '3286814', '3286815', ''
+, 'STORE_LISTEN', '2', '1', '3'); insert into "_mailermailer".sl_confirm
+(con_origin, con_received, con_seqno, con_timestamp)    values (3, 2, '2215', CU
+RRENT_TIMESTAMP); commit transaction;" PGRES_FATAL_ERROR ERROR:  insert or updat
+e on table "sl_listen" violates foreign key constraint "sl_listen-sl_path-ref"
+DETAIL:  Key (li_provider,li_receiver)=(1,3) is not present in table "sl_path".
+DEBUG1 syncThread: thread done
+<para> Evidently, a <link linkend="stmtstorelisten"> <command>STORE
+LISTEN</command> </link> request hadn't propagated yet before node 1
+was dropped.
+<answer id="eventsurgery"><para> This points to a case where you'll
+need to do <quote>event surgery</quote> on one or more of the nodes.
+A <command>STORE_LISTEN</command> event remains outstanding that wants
+to add a listen path that <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> be created
+because node 1 and all paths pointing to node 1 have gone away.</para>
+<para> Let's assume, for exposition purposes, that the remaining nodes
+are #2 and #3, and that the above error is being reported on node
+<para> That implies that the event is stored on node #2, as it
+wouldn't be on node #3 if it had not already been processed
+successfully.  The easiest way to cope with this situation is to
+delete the offending <link linkend="">
+<envar>sl_event</envar> </link> entry on node #2.  You'll connect to
+node #2's database, and search for the <command>STORE_LISTEN</command>
+<para> <command> select * from sl_event where ev_type =
+<para> There may be several entries, only some of which need to be
+purged. </para>
+-# begin;  -- Don't straight delete them; open a transaction so you can respond to OOPS
+-# delete from sl_event where ev_type = 'STORE_LISTEN' and
+-#  (ev_data1 = '1' or ev_data2 = '1' or ev_data3 = '1');
+-# -- Seems OK...
+-# commit;
+<para> The next time the <application>slon</application> for node 3
+starts up, it will no longer find the <quote>offensive</quote>
+<command>STORE_LISTEN</command> events, and replication can continue.
+(You may then run into some other problem where an old stored event is
+referring to no-longer-existant configuration...) </para></answer>
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