CVS User Account cvsuser
Thu Nov 18 23:20:47 PST 2004
Log Message:
A gratuitously complex test case which generates 6 nodes, and
uses rebuildlistenentries() to generate the listen network

Added Files:
        test_6_autolisten (r1.1)

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null
+++ src/ducttape/test_6_autolisten
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# **********
+# test_6_autolisten
+# 	This test script creates a standalone pgbench database 
+#	as slony_test1 and then:
+#	- initializes a primary node and starts the node daemon
+#	- creates a set containing all 4 pgbench tables
+#	- creates 5 other databases to contain this set
+#       - subscribes #2 and #3 directly to #1, then #4 subscribes
+#         to #3, then #5 & #6 subscribe to #4
+#	- compares the 6 databases.
+# **********
+export PATH
+declare -a PIDS
+trap '
+	echo ""
+	echo "**** user abort"
+	if [ ! -z $pgbench_pid ] ; then
+		echo "**** killing pgbench"
+		kill -15 $pgbench_pid
+	fi
+	for node in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+	    if [ ! -z $PIDS[$node] ] ; then
+		echo "**** killing node daemon $node"
+		kill -15 $PIDS[$node]
+	    fi
+	done
+	exit -1
+' 2 15
+function initialize_slave_database () {
+  local NODE=$1
+  echo "**** creating database for Node $node"
+  if ! createdb slony_test$NODE ; then
+	kill $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null
+	kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+	exit -1
+  fi
+  echo "**** creating pgbench tables"
+    (
+	    cat pgbench_schema.sql
+    ) | psql -q slony_test$NODE
+function extra_listen () {
+    local ORIGIN=$1
+    local RECEIVER=$2
+    local PROVIDER=$3
+    slonik <<EOF
+try {
+    store listen (origin = $ORIGIN, receiver=$RECEIVER, provider=$PROVIDER);
+function slonik_init () {
+    local NODE=$1
+    local PARENT=$2
+    slonik <<_EOF_
+	try {
+		store node (id = $NODE, comment = 'Node $NODE');
+		store path (server = $PARENT, client = $NODE, conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test$PARENT');
+		store path (server = $NODE, client = $PARENT, conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test$NODE');
+		store listen (origin = $PARENT, receiver = $NODE, provider=$PARENT );
+		store listen (origin = $NODE, receiver = 1, provider=$NODE);
+	}
+	on error { exit -1; }
+	echo 'Database slony_test$NODE added as Node $NODE';
+function slon_start () {
+    local NODE=$1
+    echo "**** starting the Slony-I node daemon for slony_test$NODE"
+    xterm -title "Slon node $NODE" -e sh -c "slon -d$NODE T1 dbname=slony_test$NODE; echo -n 'Enter>'; read line" &
+    PID[$NODE]=$!
+    pid=$PID[$NODE]
+    echo "slon[$pid] on dbname=slony_test$NODE"
+function slon_subscribe () {
+    local SUBSCRIBER=$1
+    local PROVIDER=$2
+    ######################################################################
+    # And now comes the moment where the big elephant starts to pee
+    # and the attendants in the first row climb on their chairs ...
+    ######################################################################
+    slonik <<_EOF_
+	subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = $PROVIDER, receiver = $SUBSCRIBER, forward = yes );
+function check_pgbench () {
+  #####
+  # Check that pgbench is still running
+  #####
+  if ! kill -0 $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null ; then
+    echo "**** pgbench terminated ???"
+    kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+    exit -1
+  fi
+# Preparations ... create a standalone pgbench database and
+# have the "application" (pgbench) running.
+# Make sure the install is up to date
+WGM=`which gmake`
+if [[ $WGM == "" ]]; then
+    MAKE=make
+    CGNU=`make -v | grep GNU`
+    if [[ $CGNU == "" ]]; then
+	echo "GNU Make not found - please install GNU Make"
+	exit 1
+    fi
+    MAKE=gmake
+echo -n "**** running 'make install' in src directory ... "
+if ! ${MAKE} -C .. install >$TMPOUT 2>&1 ; then
+    echo "failed"; cat $TMPOUT; rm $TMPOUT; exit -1
+echo "done"
+# Remove old databases, if they exist
+echo "**** remove old test databases"
+for db in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+  dropdb slony_test$db || echo "**** ignored"
+  sleep 1
+# Create the "Primary Node"
+echo "**** creating database for Node 1"
+createdb $ORIGIN || exit -1
+pgbench -i -s $PGBENCH_SCALE $ORIGIN
+pg_dump -s $ORIGIN >pgbench_schema.sql
+# Start pgbench in the background and give it rampup time
+echo "**** pgbench is running in background with pid $pgbench_pid"
+echo -n "**** sleeping 10 seconds to give pgbench time for rampup ... "
+sleep 10
+echo "done"
+echo ""
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo "**** $DB1 is now a standalone database with a running pgbench"
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo ""
+# Setup DB1 as the primary cluster T1 node, start the node daemon,
+# and create a replication set containing the pgbench tables.
+cluster name = T1;
+for node in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+  node $node admin conninfo= 'dbname=slony_test$node';"
+echo "**** initializing $DB1 as Primary Node for Slony-I cluster T1"
+slonik <<_EOF_
+	init cluster (id = 1, comment = 'Node 1');
+	echo 'Database $DB1 initialized as Node 1';
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+	kill $pgbench_pid;
+	exit -1
+slon_start 1
+echo "**** creating a replication set containing the 4 pgbench tables ... "
+slonik <<_EOF_
+try {
+    table add key (node id = 1, fully qualified name = 'public.history');
+} on error {
+    exit -1;
+try {
+    create set (id = 1, origin = 1, comment = 'Set 1 - pgbench tables');
+    set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1,
+	id = 1, fully qualified name = 'public.accounts',
+	comment = 'Table accounts');
+    set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1,
+	id = 2, fully qualified name = 'public.branches',
+	comment = 'Table branches');
+    set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1,
+	id = 3, fully qualified name = 'public.tellers',
+	comment = 'Table tellers');
+    set add table (set id = 1, origin = 1,
+	id = 4, fully qualified name = 'public.history',
+	key = serial, comment = 'Table accounts');
+} on error {
+    exit -1;
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+	echo "failed"
+	kill $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null
+	kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+	cat $TMPOUT
+	rm $TMPOUT
+	exit -1
+echo "**** set created"
+# Check that pgbench is still running
+echo ""
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo "**** $DB1 is now the Slony-I origin for set 1"
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo ""
+# Setup DB2 and DB3 as subscribers to node 1
+for node in 2 3; do
+  initialize_slave_database $node
+  echo "**** initializing slony_test$node as Node $node of Slony-I cluster T1"
+  slonik_init $node 1
+  for n2 in 2 3; do
+     if [[ $n2 != $node ]]; then
+	extra_listen $node $n2 1
+     fi
+  done
+  check_pgbench
+  slon_start $node
+  check_pgbench
+  slon_subscribe $node 1
+    echo ""
+    echo "**********************************************************************"
+    echo "**** slony_test$node should now be copying data and attempting to catch up."
+    echo "**********************************************************************"
+    echo ""
+echo "done with cluster of [1,2,3]"
+# Setup DB4 as subscriber to node 3; it only talks to 3, not 1 or 2
+initialize_slave_database 4
+echo "**** initializing slony_test4 as Node 4 of Slony-I cluster T1"
+slonik <<_EOF_
+	try {
+		store node (id = 4, comment = 'Node $node');
+		store path (server = 3, client = 4, conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test3');
+		store path (server = 4, client = 3, conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test4');
+		store listen (origin = 1, receiver = 4, provider=3);
+		store listen (origin = 4, receiver = 1, provider=3);
+	}
+	on error { exit -1; }
+	echo 'Database slony_test4 added as Node 4';
+for node in 1 2; do
+    extra_listen 4 $node 3
+    extra_listen $node 4 3
+slon_start 4
+slon_subscribe 4 3
+echo ""
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo "**** slony_test4 should now be copying data and attempting to catch up."
+echo "**********************************************************************"
+echo ""
+for node in 5 6; do
+    initialize_slave_database $node
+  echo "**** initializing slony_test4 as Node 4 of Slony-I cluster T1"
+  slonik <<_EOF_
+	try {
+		store node (id = $node, comment = 'Node $node');
+		store path (server = 4, client = $node, conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test4');
+		store path (server = $node, client = 4, conninfo = 'dbname=slony_test$node');
+	}
+	on error { exit -1; }
+	echo 'Database slony_test$node added as Node $node';
+    for source in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+	if [[ $source != $node ]]; then
+	    extra_listen $source $node 4
+	    extra_listen $node $source 4
+	fi
+    done
+    check_pgbench
+    slon_start $node
+    check_pgbench
+    slon_subscribe $node 4
+for node in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
+    echo "delete from \"_T1\".sl_listen;select  \"_T1\".rebuildlistenentries();" | psql slony_test$node
+echo -n "**** waiting for pgbench to finish "
+while kill -0 $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null ; do
+	echo -n "."
+	sleep 10
+echo "**** pgbench finished"
+echo "**** please terminate the replication engines when cought up."
+wait $slon1_pid
+wait $slon2_pid
+wait $slon3_pid
+kill $pgbench_pid 2>/dev/null
+kill $slon1_pid 2>/dev/null
+kill $slon2_pid 2>/dev/null
+kill $slon3_pid 2>/dev/null
+echo -n "**** comparing databases ... "
+psql $DB1 >dump.tmp.1.$$ <<_EOF_
+	select 'accounts:'::text, aid, bid, abalance, filler
+			from accounts order by aid;
+	select 'branches:'::text, bid, bbalance, filler
+			from branches order by bid;
+	select 'tellers:'::text, tid, bid, tbalance, filler
+			from tellers order by tid;
+	select 'history:'::text, tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime, filler,
+			"_Slony-I_T1_rowID" from history order by "_Slony-I_T1_rowID";
+psql $DB2 >dump.tmp.2.$$ <<_EOF_
+	select 'accounts:'::text, aid, bid, abalance, filler
+			from accounts order by aid;
+	select 'branches:'::text, bid, bbalance, filler
+			from branches order by bid;
+	select 'tellers:'::text, tid, bid, tbalance, filler
+			from tellers order by tid;
+	select 'history:'::text, tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime, filler,
+			"_Slony-I_T1_rowID" from history order by "_Slony-I_T1_rowID";
+psql $DB3 >dump.tmp.3.$$ <<_EOF_
+	select 'accounts:'::text, aid, bid, abalance, filler
+			from accounts order by aid;
+	select 'branches:'::text, bid, bbalance, filler
+			from branches order by bid;
+	select 'tellers:'::text, tid, bid, tbalance, filler
+			from tellers order by tid;
+	select 'history:'::text, tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime, filler,
+			"_Slony-I_T1_rowID" from history order by "_Slony-I_T1_rowID";
+if diff dump.tmp.1.$$ dump.tmp.2.$$ >test_2.1-2.diff ; then
+	echo "success - databases 1 and 2 are equal."
+	rm dump.tmp.2.$$
+	rm test_2.1-2.diff
+	echo "FAILED - see test_2.1-2.diff for database differences"
+echo -n "**** comparing databases ... "
+if diff dump.tmp.1.$$ dump.tmp.3.$$ >test_2.1-3.diff ; then
+	echo "success - databases 1 and 3 are equal."
+	rm dump.tmp.3.$$
+	rm dump.tmp.1.$$
+	rm test_2.1-3.diff
+	echo "FAILED - see test_2.1-3.diff for database differences"

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