Jaime Casanova jcasanov at systemguards.com.ec
Mon Apr 5 22:17:55 PDT 2010

I'm starting a replica, i divided it in 3 sets (actually i'm adding a
new node after upgrading os and pg version)...

slony version 1.2.20 pg version 8.4.3

i had no problem with set 1 and set 2 but when replicating set 3, it
never finish copying tables and when i look for errors in the slave
postgres log i found this:
2010-04-05 00:36:38 GMT [10017]: [4-1] STATEMENT:
select "_sncp_incop_cluster".setAddTable_int(3, 287,
'"audit_log"."tcom_puja_backup"', 'tcom_puja_pkey', '');
2010-04-05 00:42:36 GMT [10017]: [5-1] ERROR:
Slony-I: setAddTable_int(): table "audit_log"."tcom_puja_backup" has
no index tcom_puja_pkey

but when searching that table on sl_table i get this:
mic=# select * from _sncp_incop_cluster.sl_table where tab_id =287;
 tab_id | tab_reloid | tab_relname | tab_nspname | tab_set |
tab_idxname   | tab_altered | tab_comment
    287 |      21940 | tcom_puja   | audit_log   |       3 |
tcom_puja_pkey | t           |
(1 row)

so, obviously it is trying to replicate the wrong table, if i try to
fix this mess by dropping the table from replication using "set drop
table(origin=1, ID = 287 );" i get this:
<stdin>:3: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR select
"_sncp_incop_cluster".setDropTable(287);  - ERROR:  Slony-I:
alterTableRestore(): Table with id 287 not found
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  "_sncp_incop_cluster".alterTableRestore( $1 )"
PL/pgSQL function "setdroptable_int" line 52 at PERFORM
SQL statement "SELECT  "_sncp_incop_cluster".setDropTable_int( $1 )"
PL/pgSQL function "setdroptable" line 40 at PERFORM

now, the table that is being replicated "doesn't" have a pkey while
the table that should have been in the replication (and that i put in
the script) do have a pkey (the pkey that is being assigned by slony
to the other table)...

the problem is that somehow the tab_reloid is for that recors is the
oid of the other table... i can't simply change that because the other
table has the trigger...
so, i'm accepting ideas...

what i'm thinking first is to add the pkey to the table (i will rename
an existing pkey on the other table and create i new one with this
name here) but don't know if i have to fix tab_relname


Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59387171157

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