Peter Eisentraut peter_e at
Mon Feb 18 23:44:11 PST 2008
Dave Page wrote:
> > You can set --with-pgsharedir=whatever, and then it doesn't work.
> Right, but that option is there to tell the build system where the
> PostgreSQL share directory is, not for you to specify where you want
> the Slony share directory - that's how the description of the
> parameter reads to me at least (plus of course it falls back to
> whatever pg_config says iirc):
>   --with-pgsharedir=<dir>          Location of the PostgreSQL share
> dir. E.g. postgresql.conf.sample

Well, let's put this differently:  The Slony installation path selection 
procedure is insane.  I have beaten it around long enough to make it 
installable in an FHS-like way.  If that breaks because I was using the 
options in a sneaky way, I accept that, but please provide an alternative.

> Additionally, the use case you suggested for doing this would also
> require the lib dir to be altered, so I still don't see how that will
> work - at least without you manually editing the SQL scripts.

I can easily edit the SQL scripts, but I can't easily edit the slonik binary.

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